Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Data structure & algorithms Syllabus for BCA – Purbanchal University

Data structure & algorithms
BCA 201 CS

Objective: To provide fundamental knowledge of data structure, various algorithms
used, and heir implementations.


1. Introduction to Data Structure: Data Types,ADT and importance. (3 hrs)

2. Stack: Defining stacks, examples, primitive operations with examples
representing stack in C, implementing the POP operation, implementing the PUSH
operation, infix, postfix and prefix, basic definitions, evaluating a postfix expression,
converting an expression from infix to postfix. (4 hrs)

3. Queue: Defining queue, Queue representation, C implementation of queues
insert operation, Priority queue, Circular queue. (3 hrs)

4. Linked-list: Introduction to list, linked list, inserting and removing nodes from
a list, list traversal, linked implementation of stack, linked implementation of queue,
doubly linked lists, circular linked list. (6 hrs)

5. Trees: Basic terminology, Binary trees, operations of binary trees, application of
binary trees, traversal of a binary tree, in order traversal, post order traversal,
preorder traversal, depth, level, height of a tree, tree balancing algorithm. (6 hrs)

6. Recursion: Definition and Processes, Factorial, Multiplication of natural
numbers, Fibonacci sequences, Binary search, Tower of Hanoi, Translation from
prefix to postfix, Efficiency of recursion. (3 hrs)

7. Binary: Search Tree: Operation on Binary search tree, insertion in binary
search tree, deletion in binary search tree, search tree: Operation on Binary search
tree. (4 hrs)

8. Graphics: Defining graphs, basic terminology, Application of graphs, graph
traversal, depth first search (DFS), breadth first search, Krushkal algorithm, Greedy
algorithm, shortest path method. (6 hrs)

9. Sorting: Introduction, Sequential sort, Selection sort, quick sort, bubble sort,
merge sort, heap sort, radix sort, efficiency consideration, big-o notation.
(7 hrs)

10. Searching: Binary search technique, Tree searching. General searching,
Hashing (3 hrs)

1. Data Structure using C & C++. Aarton M. Tenenbaum
2. Fundamental of Computer algorithms H. Sahani
3. Data Structure of Program Design: Robert L. Kruse
4. The art of Programming, sorting and searching: Donald E. KNUTI-1
5. Data Structure and Application: Trebly and Sorenson.

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